Ministry of the Eucharist
A Eucharistic Minister is a parishioner, selected by the Pastor and mandated by the Bishop, who serves, distributes, and administers the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ during the Holy Communion or Eucharist of the Church Service. In the Catholic Mass, they are referred to more accurately as “Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion” (the “ordinary” minister being the priest celebrant).
Ministry of the Liturgy
The lectors of our parish proclaim the first and second Scripture readings, the Responsorial Psalm, and the Prayers of the Faithful at the Sunday and Holy Day Masses.
Altar Servers
The Altar Server Ministry provides an opportunity for parish youth to be active participants in the weekly Mass. Servers aid the presider throughout the Mass by bearing cross, preparing holy objects and vessels, presenting books, and helping the presider to glorify and sanctify the celebration. This opportunity allows youth to develop a deeper appreciation for the ceremony and ritual that is such an anchor to our Catholic faith.
Hospitality Ministry
Ushers and greeters are Ministers of Hospitality. They are entrusted with promoting a sense of welcoming and belonging to all the faithful assembled for worship. They are the first point of contact for the communal celebration of the Liturgy, and assist with the distribution of Mass materials, bulletins and the offertory.
Catholic Youth Organization (CYO)
The CYO serve and praise God while strengthening their faith life through prayer, service, and friendship. Youth in grades 9th-12th are welcomed to be members.
Damas Guadalupanas
The Damas group is an organization of women who organize various fundraisers throughout the year to help support the parish.
Knights of Columbus Council #12809
The KCs group is an organization of men who organize various fundraisers throughout the year to help support the parish. They also initiate programs through which its members can practice their Catholic duties in the fields of charity, devotion, and education.
Marriage & Family Life
The Marriage & Family Life organization is comprised of married couples who are dedicated to serving couples wishing to get married in the Church, providing resources to struggling marriages, and strengthening and enriching Catholic values within families.
ACTS Leadership Group
The ACTS Leadership Teams organize and coordinate the ACTS Retreats for our parish community.
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