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What is Stewardship?
Stewardship is the intentional, grateful and loving response of a Christian disciple - a way of life that recognizes, receives and shares God's gifts for the good of all, making Jesus Christ known and loved.
Being stewards of the faith is recognizing that we own nothing, that we are simply caretakers (stewards) of all that God has entrusted to us.
The Greatest Gift
Essentially, stewardship is faithfully using your time, talent and treasure to bring others to Christ.
Jesus Christ is God’s greatest gift to us. Stewardship tells us to share a portion of our time, talent and treasure so that God’s Gift, Jesus Christ, may be given to those who do not know Him.
Parish Stewardship
Our parish Stewardship Committee is tasked with organizing the Parish Census to ensure all of our parishioner's information is up to date. They also update you on our latest report from the Bishop's Faith Appeal. Our parish's latest figures are below.
The Appeal for Catholic Ministries is much different than a one-time special collection. It is a pledge campaign where you can make a gift payable in installments.
Each pledge makes a difference! Your generous support enables our diocese to deliver needed ministries and services that impact all parishes and people of all ages throughout Southeast Texas. Thank you for your prayerful consideration and generous response. All united in this cause, we are "Building the Kingdom Together."
By giving to the Appeal for Catholic Ministries (ACM), you can do what Jesus asks and express your love for your brothers and sisters through support of diocesan ministries and Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas. Your prayer pledge and your financial gift will spread Jesus’ love and create a Church community where all are included and diversity is celebrated. Our Apostleship of the Sea provides for the spiritual needs of those who enter our ports from places as far away as the Philippines and India. Our Multicultural Ministry responds to the various cultures that call our Diocese their home.
Open your heart and do as He says.
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